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the mother earth chronicles


All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact [email protected]The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Trigger Warnings:The following content is used in these books written by Perfect Accidents. In no way do the authors condone or approve of any of these actions taken, mentioned, or described.Blood, Death, Violence, Classism, Racism, Animal Death/Cruelty, Mental Illnesses, Abuse, Hate Language, Cursing, Self-Harm, Suicide, Torture, Eating Disorders, Kidnapping, PregnancyThe following triggers are only mentioned and not described in depth: Paedophilia, Sexual Assault

the mother earth chronicles

titles of all books

should be read in order

  • the mother discovery

the mother earth chronicles
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Part one in a trilogy, this is a post-apocalyptic science fiction galactic fantasy. Gods and goddesses, demons and angels, are all being brought low and turned into mortals by a devious alchemist whose powers seem to be beyond reckoning. Enter a young girl into the fray who has experienced a severe and traumatic loss. This young woman is seeking hope in a new city but finds herself thrown into a mystical world and magical war. These warriors seem to perceive her as some kind of key that unravels dimensions, space, and time. She might unknowingly save the entire universe or unwillingly damn us all.

the mother discovery
the characters

  • Kumara Ilishui

  • Lucian Valamir

  • Shibata Yasuhiko

the heroine or the destroyer

Kumara Ilishui

No one really knows that much about Kumara Ilishui’s past. She showed up crying on the steps of a church while the rain poured down around her and the only thing the preacher could make out of her pitiful sobs was her first and last name. Then she kept repeating “I got lost...” over and over again in a whisper with her dark green eyes wide as the round moon. From her name and the tanned color of her skin everyone guessed she was some kind of Middle Eastern race from but there was no way to know for sure. The girl had fallen into silence and would stay that way until she got sent to a foster home in a small frozen colony and a boy gave her a flower on the school playground. He told her she was beautiful and strange, which made her laugh for the first time in five years. She was eleven then, or at least that’s what everyone guessed as to her age, and the boy’s name was Terry.

the grandeous anti-hero

Lucian Valamir

When he dreamed it was always of Her. The same dreams over and over again. His fingers tangled up in Her hair while they were kissing, the soft sound of Her slippered feet in the hallway, the way the light seemed to play with the emerald color of Her eyes. He was content to stay in this part of these nocturnal serenades for as long as the night would allow him to, holding on desperately to Her scent, like that of wild orchids. Yet none too soon the other one would show his face and never, no matter what Lucian tried, could he stop what was about to happen. With horror he screamed as he watched Her die every night and was helpless every night to save Her. Because of this cruel twist of fate, he both loved falling asleep and loathed it entirely. So here he was tonight, pacing endlessly in the small room, wondering if he dared to lay down or not.

the usual suspect

Shibata Yasuhiko


the mother discovery

coming soon
this novel is in the editing phase
please check back for updates

the mother discovery

For the benefit of all readers, please understand that any AI art used is temporary. They are simply placeholders until we, as a company, can pay a real artist to do the work. NO, I am not taking money away from artists, I am trying to make the money I can so I can pay the artists. Thank you for understanding!

ai generated images




about the author


KRINCHOVKA is an author who writes post-apocalyptic science fiction fantasy. She is a single mother of two children, one of whom also happens to be an author. When she was younger, SEREN did contemporary gothic belly dancing, sang in several metal bands, and even worked in the film industry. The author prefers to work without distractions and in silence if at all possible. She enjoys many novels including but not limited to the Dragonlance series, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Harry Potter books. However, Anne Rice will always have a special place in her heart as her favorite writer. SEREN is a storyteller of fantastical tales and spins a wonderful vocabulary through her series of stories.

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